| The annual study of Fortune 500 company blogs and social media use by the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth has been published for 2013 indicating the largest increase in corporate blogs since 2008. Other statistics from the report:
- 77% of Fortune 500 companies have at least one Twitter account
- Consumer Food Products and Specialty Retailers lead with Twitter adoption
- Facebook, Google and Starbucks have the largest Twitter following with a combined 20,000,000 Twitter followers
- 69% of Fortune 500 companies have a Facebook fan page
- Facebook, Coca Cola and Walt Disney have the largest Facebook following with a combined 300 million fans
- 69% of Fortune 500 companies have a YouTube account
- 9% of Fortune 500 companies have a Pinterest account
- 35% of Fortune 500 companies have an active Google+ account. 19% have Google+ accounts but are not active
- 9% of Fortune 500 companies have an Instagram account
- 9% of Fortune 500 companies have a FourSquare account and only 1 (Walmart) in the top 10
- 59% of Fortune 500 companies link to their social media accounts from the home page
Here is the full infographic and report.
In Other Online Marketing News…
How Marketers Are Approaching Mobile in 2013: A new study from Chief Marketer reports that most marketers are integrating mobile in their marketing efforts including 76% that optimize email for mobile. However, only 40% are optimizing email landing pages for mobile. Source: MarketingProfs
TV + Twitter = Sharknado. SyFy ran a TV movie about a tornado of sharks pummeling Los Angeles that attracted over 300,000 tweets during the broadcast. An additional 400,000 plus tweets went out leading up to the show and afterwards. Wil Wheaton live tweeted the show and it was retweeted over 10,000 times. Source: AllTwitter
Baby Boomers and seniors now spend more time online than watching television, according to a report by Ipsos and Google. Source: MarketingProfs
Buyers prefer B2B vendors with better site search & easier purchase processes. (that’s why you optimize!) Sourcs: BtoB Magazine
Yahoo buys Admovate to ramp up its mobile advertising Source: Network World
B2B Email Marketing Study: What is the biggest challenge with email marketing for B2B marketers? Content & measuring ROI. BtoB Magazine
Search Rules in Ecommerce: Online retailers are putting most of their marketing budget into search. Source: VentureBeat
Smartphone Marketing Opportunities Abound: Google study reports that 56% of U.S. consumers own smartphones, 61% search daily, 77% research product or services. Mobile ad spend is $7.7B in 2013, $28B by 2017. Source MediaPost
Where are B2B Multi-Channel Marketers Investing Most? A new study from Silverpop and Forrester reveals that B2B Marketers are invested more heavily than B2C in only one area of multi-channel marketing. Guess what it is? Source: MarketingProfs
Advertising Investments Rose 30% During Q1 2013 At Tech Companies While Overall Ad Spend Dropped 1% Source: Mediapost
From The Online Marketing Blog Community
Here’s our favorite comment from this week’s posts:
How to Rock Content Marketing World 2013 – Six Ways John Ellis says: Fantastic post Lee. “Most people drift from session to session like sheep and sit passively hoping something the speaker says will wake them from the fog of last night's networking.”
This is one of the biggest issues and I think it has a lot to do with the presenters as much as the attendees. Listening to someone drone on over a PPT can be horribly boring. Many presenters are simply regurgitating the same message wherever they go.
Research your presenters and watch clips of them in action. Find the ones that excite you, that speak to you. Stay away from the drones.
What's Your Take?
Should all Fortune 500 companies have social profile links on their home pages? Did you Tweet while watching Sharknado? What, you didn’t watch Sharknado? That’s OK, neither did we
Have a great weekend!