Online Marketing News: Instagram Video, Google Mobile Bacon, Ads Hit $486B, Facebook Million, Tweet is Official
 | As TechCrunch and many other sites predicted, Facebook owned Instagram launched it’s video service this week.
However as CNET reports, it’s a bit of an apples to oranges comparison with the popular Vine, owned by Twitter. Instagram video offers 15 seconds, filters and no looping or touch manipulation. Vine offers 6 seconds, no filters and near immediate upload and publishing. As an experiment, I’ve made an Instagram video summarizing this week’s story sources. Unfortunately it took several minutes for Instagram to process the video. Let me know if you like that. I might try doing a 15 second roundup too.
In Other Online Marketing News…
Twitter Launches #FollowMe Video Service – Mashable
Google Takes Home Half of Worldwide Mobile Internet Ad Revenues – eMarketer
Worldwide advertising revenue to hit $486 billion this year (About the same as the GDP of Poland) - LA Times
Social Networking Reaches Nearly One in Four Around the World - eMarketer
Google adds a “carousel” of media at the top of local search results #knowledgegraph - Search Engine Land and Google+
Facebook now has 1M active advertisers - VentureBeat
Facebook kills sponsored search results - Search Engine Watch
Facebook Redesigns Page Insights To Give Businesses Clearer, More Actionable Data – TechCrunch
Facebook Finally Lets You Place Photos Directly In Comments, But Still No GIFs - Huffington Post
Tweet Becomes An ‘Official Word’ In Latest Oxford English Dictionary Update – Forbes
From The Online Marketing Blog Community
Here’s our favorite comments from this week’s posts:
As a response to the post, Opening Up Twitter Analytics to All – Smart Marketing Move ala Google, Tyrell Biggs says: “A lot of people, myself included, don’t really know a good way to market with Twitter. I put tweets out there and attempt to build an audience, but it never seems like it does the trick. Now that we have access to the analytics behind it though something big may start to happen.”
In reply to last week’s Top Online Marketing News, “Digital Agency of the Future, Facebook Hashtags, Google Gets Waze, Apple Money, Amazon Grocery“ Miroslav P. Marchev says: “Recently I have noticed a phenomenon that I call ”the social media standardisation”. All of the trendiest social networks start to look alike by introducing similar services and tips. The ‘freshest’ illustration of that are the hashtags introduced by Facebook these days. A couple of years ago the hashtag was used only on Twitter, after that Instagram intorduced it and now Facebook assimilated it under user’s insisting. However people were using the hashtag on Facebook a long time before it even serve to something. Congrats Facebook you did not surprise us that time ”
This week on Facebook and Google+ we took a poll: What’s your favorite social network for fun? It looks like Facebook Twitter and Instagram were clear winners. Here are the responses.
TopRank Marketing Google+ Community:
- Rita Auta - LinkedIn – just joking Mine’s Twitter (with Pinterest a close second). On my personal account I’ve finally got the right balance of good, interesting accounts which I follow. Off topic, but my least fave is Facebook- attracts way too many indulgent posts. My two cents!
- John Trader - I’d have to chip in with Twitter as my favorite network for fun with Tumblr second. You can easily get lost in Tumblr and discover some quite interesting things!
- Jason Meininger - twitter, facebook, livejournal (yes I’m old skool) and to a growing extent G+
- Pamela Gantt - Tumblr. Definitely Tumblr.
- Rob Smith - Facebook and G+. G+ seems to be growing on my and has much more functionality.
- Mike Pedersen - Liking G+ more and more +TopRank Online Marketing
- James Svoboda - Fun is relative to what you are doing when you have it. For me…Twitter for SEM fun and Facebook for Family fun.
- James Hobson - Stumbleupon is good
- Veronica Chavez Chinea - Twitter and Pinterest!
- Geoff Simon - Love the way Tumblr lets you post all kinds of different Content, quotes, sounds, video, The gifs, charts
- Kyle Kamppila - stumble upon!!!!!
- Paul Gibler - Hard to separate work from “fun”. I still love Twitter and my “old” RSS feeds through Bloglines.
- Charles Callari - Instagram is pretty fun
TopRank Marketing Facebook Community:
What’s Your Take?
What’s your flavor of short form video? Vine or Instagram? Are you on top of the new Carousel images feature on Google local? Is there a competitor to Google when it comes to mobile advertising? What’s your favorite social network for fun?
Have a great weekend! From the team at TopRank Online Marketing.
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